Please Sign our petition below to help end single use plastics!
Sign petition to end single use plastics!
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Over 300 million tons of plastic are sold each year and most of it is thrown away. Over 90% of plastics end up in our land-fills, our oceans, our wildlife and in our own bodies. Plastic breaks down in human bodies and animals, can mimic human hormones and is linked to a wide array of diseases and cancer. We as a society are the culprits and have a responsibility to help stop this now. We don't have time to wait, so please take action now, our planet can't wait.

Corporations make billions of dollars each year selling products in disposal plastic container but are refusing to take responsibility for what happens to the 100s of millions of plastic containers and bags that move through our global economy every single day.

green global world environmental icon

Our governments are unable or unwilling to take the health risks of plastic seriously and are not moving to ban single use plastics and non-products. And we are also at fault because we haven't made the break from single use plastics even though new alternatives are there, we need to take action.

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trash and plastic pollution under water

    10 ways to Reduce Plastic Pollution

  1. Keep Reusable Tote Bags in Your Car
  2. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle With You
  3. Go Straw-Free
  4. Buy in Bulk
  5. Axe Beauty Products With Microbeads
  6. Reuse Sandwich Baggies (It's Worth the Wash)
  7. Just Say No to EPS Foam Containers
  8. Quit Disposable Utensils
  9. Leave Produce Containers at the Store
  10. Recognize That You Have a Choice
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
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